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"Hanneke helps you to more money without working more.
Towards a life of financial peace and freedom. 
So that you can live your life on your terms and according to your desires."

Hanneke van Onna | wealth coach | vermogenscoach | geldpsycholoog

Heal your wallet

into wealth

How much money you attract, earn, have and keep in your life is a direct sum of all the financial beliefs, thoughts and emotions of you and your ancestors.


I help you heal and transform your wallet toward abundance and freedom.

Your children will be grateful!







Release & Rebuild



So money can flow easily and free into your pocket

1. Financially destructive beliefs that keep your wallet empty and your sales meager.

2. Moneymotions are unprocessed emotions about money that unconsciously cause stress and sleepless nights.

3. Unresolved financial trauma in the family line creates a (too) heavy burden and suffering and can last for generations. Also in your finances.

 4. Het aantrekken van geld op een manier die volledig in lijn is met wie jij werkelijk bent vanuit een rijke money mindset.

How much money you attract, earn, have and keep in your life is a direct sum of all your and your (for) parents' financial beliefs, thoughts and emotions about money.

Individual sessions & Bundles

To deal with your money blocks - the sum of financial drama, trauma and karma - I use various tools, techniques and methods. It is a combination of energetic, systemic and psychological work. Almost everyone has a money blockage. And everyone can get rid of them too. When your blockade is released, money can flow freely in and out of your wallet, you experience significantly less stress around money issues and you are free to earn what you deserve. You will achieve the best results in 4 sessions in which we track down your money beliefs, money motions and old money trauma session-by-session, look at them and release them once and for all so that money can flow freely IN and OUT of your wallet. With a concluding Money Constellation. You can also choose to book a Moneymotions release session separately.

Hanneke van Onna | financiele vrijheid | financiele therapie

As seen on/in:

Wouldn't it be great to be able to find and solve the source of all your money problems instead of constantly treating symptoms?


Your money story is the one you tell yourself and others when asked about your financial situation. It usually adds up to financial problems in your current life. Worries and stress about money, complaining about inflation, rising energy costs or everything getting more expensive, poor paying clients or no clients. These are the thoughts that keep you busy during the day and awake at night. In my practice as a money psychologist and financial therapist, I hear many and various stories about money. Stories that act as smokescreens for problems that lie much deeper, very deeply hidden, namely underwater, in our unconscious.

Hanneke van Onna vermogenscoach geldpsycholoog familycoach wealthcoach

I free you from money blockages


that have sabotaged your life AND your wallet until now, to abundance, effortlessly attracting, having & keeping money.
Not by talking, not by quantifying. But by tuning in to the immeasurable wisdom that is present in your body, brain and guts, but which you are not making sufficient use of. This is your unlimited earning potential.

I myself have lived through and overcome all the financial trauma you can think of: bankruptcy, divorce, tons of debt and money losses through scams and misguided investments. I have come to see that this is an age-old pattern in the family. The contrast between rich and poor.
Having a lot of money and also losing a lot of money.

Having a shaky financial foundation through which all the cash seeps away.

L'histoire se répète I often say to my clients.


If you start to see and feel where your money stuff comes from, you are able to heal it and transform it into freedom and abundance.​

I can help you with that!

Wat anderen zeggen


Onwijs bedankt!!! 

Vond het bizar hoeveel je kon clearen in korte tijd en zulke grote ingrijpende thema’s.


Ben blij en dankbaar voor jouw sessie.

Ik heb die dag daadwerkelijk van alles losgelaten, ik kon dat letterlijk voelen. 

Fantastisch hoe je dat in zo’n korte tijd voor elkaar kunt krijgen Hanneke!


What the f**ck.

Ik ben een totaal andere mens. Herboren eigenlijk.

De dag na de sessie vielen er 2 klanten in m'n mail.

Ik voel me bevrijd en licht en heb zoveel meer duidelijkheid over waar ik heen moet met m'n bedrijf.  Alsof er een sluier af is.


Hanneke wist in een sessie op te ruimen waar ik al jaren mee worstelde: schaarste-gevoelens en angst voor tekort. 

Heal my wallet into wealth please!


Service Name


Money Blocks Release

1,5 - 2 hours

Online or f2f in Amsterdam


Service Name


Release & transform


3 sessions + free participation Money Constellation Day


Service Name


Release & transform


2 sessions together, each 1 session separately of 1.5 - 2 hours:

4 session + Money Constellation

We gaan de poorten van 2024 sluiten. De agenda van Hanneke laat weer nieuwe klanten toe vanaf de tweede week van januari. Januari is de maand van volle buik en lege rekening. Van donkere dagen en wat gaat dit jaar in godsnaam brengen. Laten we samen een knallende start maken. Een Geldblokkade  Release Sessie van 2 uur  kan de start zijn van je nieuwe financiële realiteit zonder stress en zorgen, met een vervuld gevoel en gevulde wallet.

Deal forever with that which keeps your wallet small and your sales skimpy.

Hanneke is a holistic money coach and the only money psychologist in the Netherlands

She is specialized in discovering and solving emotional and mental obstacles that keep you from living an abundant and successful life. Hanneke was named international Top 20 Money Coach 2024 by, money expert for magazine LINDA. and wrote several books (The Money Issue 2020, Geldgeheim 2022 & Money Journal 2023) with Kluitman/Pepperbooks publishers. She herself lived on the poverty line for a while. She made the switch to financial independence and freedom. Now she passes on her 'precious' life lessons through coaching, consulting & courses. Her live Money Constellation Days have enabled many to break through invisible, unconscious money blockages. With her company, she guides high-net-worth individuals and families, among others, with relieving unconscious and unnecessary emotional and mental ballast around money. She lives and works in Amsterdam, as a single mother of three children.

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