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Hanneke van Onna | Financiele vrijheid | Money coach

Are you ready to pave the way for an unimpeded flow of money?

As a Money Psychologist, I use a groundbreaking tools to identify and resolve your money blockages.

I free you from money blocks that have been at the helm of your finances for years (or centuries) and created your financial reality. So your live & wallet transforms into abundance & richess.

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Hanneke has been awarded as an international Top 20 Money Coach by Coach Foundation

Hanneke van Onna | Financiele vrijheid | Geldexpert
Hanneke van Onna | Geldgeheim | Money coach | Financiele vrijheid
Hanneke van Onna | Geldgeheim | Money coach | Financiele vrijheid

It's time for your liberation!

Hanneke van Onna | Financiele vrijheid | Geldexpert

I am Hanneke van Onna, money psychologist, CEO of FINWEL, author of several books, entrepreneur and public speaker.


I am here to help you live a maximum fulfilling life without money stress or financial worries. In my work I combine my own experiences of living in poverty and living in great wealth (yep, I lived both) with personal development, systemic, energetic work and money mindset training to drastically improve your relationship with money and the size of your bank account improve. For entrepreneurs I use my 25 years of brand building experience and network to grow to substantial turnover and profit. My working method is always a combination of energy and strategy, of feminine and masculine, of psyche and pecunia!


You can also call me a financial therapist, abundance coach or a money healer. There is no exact name for my work in this country. I feel and know – given the need and reactions of my clients – that I am filling a gaping hole the world has been waiting for.


Because money is an unconscious fear for almost all people that controls your life or, as was the case with me, sabotages your life.



Time for your financial liberation.

So what are you waiting for?


Check out my 1:1 money release sessions, financial therapy, money constellations and training for businesses and families

Money news in je mailbox? Meld je hier aan en mis niks! 

Bedankt voor het aanmelden!


Hanneke van Onna | Financiele vrijheid | Money coach

I went bankrupt at 35
With a ton of debt to the bank
Work hard to pay back

I got divorced at 40
With a big debt to my ex
Work hard to pay back

With 2 toddlers and a baby
And a full time job
I just red it
It was tight
was declared redundant
Went freelancing
Wasn't paid for 4 months
Then came the CLAP

No savings
No cash
No pension
No backup
No plan
Rock bottom broke

At 43
Financially independent

At 48
Financially free
Written two books
Two thriving businesses
A happy relationship
And stronger than ever

Helping others to financial freedom and abundance
No hocus pocus
Simple 'make a plan & stick to it'
By investing consistently & consistently

In yourself and your business

By not accumulating stuff but possessions
By understanding and playing the money game

Heal your wallet
into wealth

Geldblokkade Release sessie(s)


In een kleine groep in Amsterdam

Psyche & Pegels

Half jaar intensieve privé-begeleiding van Hanneke

Money week Malaga

Ga met je met me mee?

Van 9 t/m 16 februari

Next Level of Wealth


Start mei 2025

Hanneke van Onna | Money coach | Geldpsycholoog
Get in touch!
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